Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Those videos appeared on YouTube and got some real traction on digg and some other sites. Most of the comments on YouTube agree that those are viral marketing videos for either Halo3 (which is not probable since there are no such vehicles in that game), Crysis (probable) or the upcoming and extremely hyped movie from […]

UPDATE: A rewritten version has been releases by nervegas. The new version promises to be fast and ads multitouch capability. File repository is here or download directly. Even though no one realy complained about the lack of games, what could be cooler than having games on your iPhone? Especially old-school NES titles like Mario, Zelda […]

                        The Eleven Forty Company are lining up Santa Claus and Mary Poppins against Pol Pot and the Childcatcher. The picture above shows Hitler in a “brain-duell” against Francis of Assisi. The hand-painted detailed figurines are set into a hand-crafted maple cabinet which retails at […]

Commodore is back with a whole line of serious gaming rigs. And they are ugly, whatever the specs of these beasts are. And by the way: The nineties called, they want their graffiti back! Technorati Tags: commodore, gaming, pc, CeBIT, nineties